Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practise.
All pupils sit a Star Test at the beginning of each term, which will identify the child’s current reading level. The child then independently selects a book from their reading level band and has a week to read the book.
How can I access Accelerated Reader?
Here is the direct link to access Accelerated Reader for Harris Academy Chobham students. Links for AR are different for each school, so please make sure you are using this one specifically:
For Y2+ students on AR, the username and password is the first initial and 4 letters of their surname and ABC. Please make sure all letters are in capitals. e.g. username: APATE password: ABC
What is the weekly quiz?
At the end of the seven days, pupils will sit a quiz that is linked to the story they have taken home over the last week. The pupil will answer comprehension questions that will show if the child has understood what they have been reading – the number of questions is reflective of the length of the book – the longer the book, the more questions there will be. When sitting the weekly quiz, children are not allowed to look through the book – this quiz is based upon what the pupils have remembered.
What happens in the Star Test?
At the beginning of each term, pupils will sit a Star Test. This will be a standalone comprehension test that links to an unfamiliar text. This then shows the pupils’ understanding of the text and an assessment is made on their comprehension skills. A reading level is generated and class teachers can use the data generated to implement additional group activities to support pupils to make good progress.
When do pupils sit the test?
Pupils sit their weekly quiz during their library slot. Please ask your child's class teacher for which day this is. Pupils sit the quiz independently and use an iPad to access the program. Every child has a unique login which is used every week and helps to monitor the progress that the child makes over time.
How do we ensure that pupils are reading their book within 7 days?
Class teachers promote the importance of reading and pupils are encouraged to read every day – this is the expectation across the entire Academy, starting in Reception. Children will bring home their reading book every day and should be reading on average around 15-20 minutes every day to help build up their reading and comprehension skills and their reading fluency as well as help to develop their communication and language skills. For those who want to read more, opportunities are given throughout the day, such as first thing in the morning, to get books out and read. There are also opportunities to free-read during our weekly timetable, where pupils are given time to read and access their Accelerated Reader book.