We run a range of after school clubs every day from 3:15pm onwards. All children are collected for these clubs by a member of staff at the end of the school day. Some of these clubs are delivered by external providers and some are co-ordinated by Chobham Academy.
There are a limited number of clubs with no charge attached which will be run on an invitation only basis. The following clubs will be invitation only: choir, Years 5 and 6 boys & girls football team training, Y4/5/6 athletics, Ms Harvey's Drama club and booster/intervention classes. These will run for all or part of the year, and you will be contacted directly if your child has been invited to take part in one of these clubs.
A number of clubs co-ordinated by Chobham Academy cost £5 per session apart from guitar which costs £7.50 and these are charged termly. To sign up for these clubs, you simply need to log in to your ParentPay account and pay for the club(s) you would like your child to take part in. Once you have paid for a club, your child’s place in this club will be guaranteed. There is no limit on the number of paid clubs you may sign your child up for. Places for clubs are offered on a first come first served basis. Once a club has reached capacity, it will no longer be available for purchase. This system will ensure that you know immediately whether your child has secured a place in their chosen club. Please note, if there is insufficient take-up for any club to make it financially viable, it will not run, and you will be informed of this via email. In these circumstances, you would automatically be refunded via ParentPay.
We are expanding our club offering this year as part of a drive to ensure children of all backgrounds have access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We will be offering a number of free clubs with priority sign up given to children who qualify for pupil premium funding. We hope that this offer will make a real difference to the children in our community. Parents of children entitled to Pupil Premium funding will receive a letter about these clubs. Once parents of these children have made their selections, this letter will be circulated to the rest of the school community. The academy will then contact parents to confirm whether your child has been allocated a space this term.
Payment for chargeable clubs should be made via ParentPay. Once payment has been made, your child’s place in the club is confirmed. We do not accept Childcare vouchers to pay for clubs. The price listed for the club is for the whole term and refunds will not be issued for individual missed sessions. In the event of school closure due to adverse weather conditions, we are unable to offer refunds. In the event of a club leader being absent, Harris Academy Chobham will do their best to ensure the club will still run, in which case no refund would be given. If you have any outstanding debts on your ParentPay account, you will not be allowed to sign up to a club.